What is community solar?

A new way to receive the savings and environmental benefits of solar energy without the need to install panels on your home, rooftop or property.

Do I need to install panels on my roof or property?

No panels or installations necessary. It’s simple, with no additional sign-up fees to get started.

What happens to my utility account?

You will continue to have an account with your current utility company and start to save money.

Are there additional charges or sign-up fees for subscribers?

Nope! There are no enrollment charges or hidden fees. If you’re moving and need to cancel, please contact us at (413) 419-1830.

How much will I save?

As a Solar Gardens member, you can save up to $380 per year. Your discount may vary month-to-month based on the utility supply rate and the amount of solar power produced by the solar farm. The solar credits you receive represent a portion of that solar power, which is allocated to your utility account based on your electricity usage. Please refer to your Solar Gardens Massachusetts contract for your estimated yearly savings, which is based on your household’s historical electricity usage provided during enrollment.

Why am I receiving 2 bills?

First, you will receive a bill from your utility company, showing your solar credits based on the solar energy allocated to your account, reducing the amount you owe.

Second, we will send you a bill, showing your discount, along with your monthly savings. As a subscribed customer, you will be shown the amount of money paid and the amount saved, each month.

Do I need to own my home or apartment to participate?

Nope! Both renters and homeowners have access to savings with our solar energy; and remember — no solar panel installation necessary!

Where can I find my account number?

Your existing utility account number can be found in the top right on the first page of your utility bill.

Are you an electricity supplier (ESCO)?

No. Solar Gardens Massachusetts is a community solar developer, which is not the same as a third-party retail energy supplier. Solar Gardens Massachusetts provides solar electricity to your utility company and then you get a credit for the value of the electricity generated on your behalf. Your discount is also guaranteed for up to 20 years, unlike retail energy suppliers who offer short-term savings and can change rates often.